THANK YOU to all those who participated in the Walk-a-Thon!

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As we return for the 2024-2025 school year, the PTA is excited for all of the fun events and activities ahead! To make them happen, we need everyone in the community to get involved. To get started, we're asking everyone for 3 things:



1. Sign up to volunteer

Our events only happen if we have volunteers! It's a fun, rewarding way to connect with your kids, meet new people, and help your community. Events throughout the year include Drive-in Movie Night, Math Mondays,  Family Dance, Science Fair, and Book Fair.

Sign up 


2. Join the PTA

Please join the PTA to have a voice in how we support the community! Everyone is welcome to join our monthly meetings, but only members are eligible to vote. 

Join the PTA 


3. Donate

All gifts go 100% into Franklin for enrichment programs, classroom supplies, assemblies, library books, music, science and art supplies, and much more. Click below to donate via PayPal, or learn about other ways to donate. Franklin PTA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

Donate via PayPal 



FDC Logo 2018


The Franklin PTA partners closely with the wonderful Franklin Dad's Club. Please visit their site to learn more!



BCE logo


While the PTA directly supports our Franklin Community, the BCE is vital to keeping our Burlingame Elementary and Middle Schools fully funded. Please visit their site to learn more and contribute.

2023-2024 Annual Report

9/13/2024 2:36 pm


This year (2023-2024) we've had 3 major fundraisers, Fall Turkey Trot, Holiday Cookie Dough Drive and Book Fair


With your help, Franklin's PTA raised a record $83,200 which augments the school experience of our students. This year, we were able to deliver the following enrichment programs throughout the school year for various grades. We spent $16,000 to offer these programs:

  • TK-3 grades - SF Opera Sing-a-Story, CuriOdyssey Workshops, Bay Area Discovery Museum
  • TK-5 grades - Music at Kohl Mansion, Lawrence Hall of Science/Engineering Festival, National PTA Reflections Arts Program, Pop-Up Art Clubs
  • 4-5th grades - Mad Science Workshops & SF Opera Guild
  • Community - Family Math Night, Franklin Reflections Arts Show & Stations

We spent $5,000 celebrating our graduating class of Franklin 5th graders funding their yearbooks, graduation t-shirts & party. We wish them a successful transition to their middle school experience! 


This year, Franklin PTA continued the additional responsibility of funding the field trip transportation for all grades who had planned field trips. We spent $9,500 towards these expenses.


We were able to fully fund the budget for classroom supplies, arts, music & science supplies, student planners & binders and scholastic subscriptions/applications at $15,400 to supplement the classroom needs of all our students & teachers. Additionally, we funded library books worth $2,500 and $500 towards Green Team. 


We celebrated our teachers, volunteers and Franklin administration with appreciation events and funded these events with $4,200 for food and thoughtful gifts from Franklin community members. 


We spent roughly $7,400 in administrative expenses including taxes, council fees, tech software, Founders day luncheon and PTA dinner. 


We made a total donation of $10,000 to BCE on behalf of the Franklin Community which helps fund the teacher salaries for music, arts and PE programs and keeps our classroom sizes small. This helped BCE close the gap on their fundraising goal of $2.8M.


This year we successfully hosted several community events, investing approximately $14,000. These events were completely FREE to all attendees and included our three biggest highlights:  the Ice Cream & Pizza Social (315 attendees), Franklin Glow Party  (400 attendees) and Franklin Family Festival + Food Fair  (700 attendees). In addition to these events, our community outreach efforts continued with initiatives like the Samaritan House Food and Hygiene Drives,  and Meals on Wheels Holiday Card Drive. These events were a tremendous success, connecting new and returning families at Franklin. Many parents expressed appreciation for our efforts  to unite the community through these school activities. 

Our total expenses for the above were $84,500 that is roughly $227 per student for an enriched school experience. In addition to the turkey trot donations, we received donations through the year and a carry over from our last year’s account balance of $21,900 which have helped us fund our programs.


We need your support again this year -- learn how to become a member and provide financial support in ways big & small.








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