Conference Week Snack Sign-up
Please support our teachers and staff during Teacher-Parent Conference Week by bringing snacks and treats to keep their energy up during this very busy time at Franklin (February 10-14, 2025)!
Questions? Email Kathy: support@franklinpta-burlingame.com

Meals on Wheels - Holiday Cards
This month the PTA hosted a pop-up art club featuring holiday card crafts for Meals on Wheels. Meals on Wheels will deliver the handmade holiday cards along with meals to homebound seniors. Franklin students brought their enthusiasm and artistic talent to this wonderful community event.
1. Sign up to volunteer
Our events only happen if we have volunteers! It's a fun, rewarding way to connect with your kids, meet new people, and help your community. Events throughout the year include Drive-in Movie Night, Math Mondays, Family Dance, Science Fair, and Book Fair.
2. Join the PTA
Please join the PTA to have a voice in how we support the community! Everyone is welcome to join our monthly meetings, but only members are eligible to vote.
3. Donate
All gifts go 100% into Franklin for enrichment programs, classroom supplies, assemblies, library books, music, science and art supplies, and much more. Click below to donate via PayPal, or learn about other ways to donate. Franklin PTA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, February 10
- Tuesday, February 11
- Wednesday, February 12
- Thursday, February 13
- Friday, February 14
- Monday, February 17
Quick Links
The Franklin PTA partners closely with the wonderful Franklin Dad's Club. Please visit their site to learn more!

While the PTA directly supports our Franklin Community, the BCE is vital to keeping our Burlingame Elementary and Middle Schools fully funded. Please visit their site to learn more and contribute.